The Winged Turtle, designed by Lolo Garner and built by Liquid PXL, was created by a small village of international artists comprising of men and women to be permanently installed at the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park as part of the Turtle Sanctuary. The theme speaks to all people across the planet as our environmental […]
Crafted under the creative vision of Mathew Rosenblatt and brought to life by the skilled hands of Liquid PXL, Symbolic Peace stands tall at 10 feet, a powerful Peace Sign constructed from steel. Laser-cut with a myriad of meaningful religious and non-religious symbols on both facades, this luminous masterpiece comes to life at night with […]
Peace Arrow stands as an awe-inspiring 24ft tall aluminum sculpture. This monumental piece features a striking peace sign supported by a 50ft long broken arrow, creating a powerful symbol of hope for the future of our planet. The heart-shaped laser-cut design adorning the facade transforms into a mesmerizing display at night, thanks to the illumination […]
Wish Girl is a 42ft tall light sculpture depicting the profile of a girl blowing the Electric Dandelions. She's accompanied by a bright WISH sign and 3 Electric Dandelions. The art installation was commissioned by Firefly Music Festival for their 2022 event. However, we will be bringing it back in 2024.
The Nest Stage consists of DJ booth light tube installation and hexagon lighting fixtures suspended above the dancefloor. We lined the DJ Booth with over 80 light tubes that create a soundwave design across the facade of the DJ Booth. Also, we hung six 18ft wide hexagon light pods 15ft above the dancefloor by rigging […]
The River of Lights is a commissioned light installation for the 2022 Firefly Music Festival. 160 light tubes create an overhead river of light that stretched 180ft. We elevated this LED sculpture with a custom netting that we rigged to the tree canopy above a walking path that connected the Main Stage area to the […]
We were commissioned to build two giant, low-poly, legs for 2021 Megan The Stallion's BET Awards live performance. Each leg measured 25ft in length and 9ft tall and only weighed 400bls each.
Life Puzzle is a 15ft tall steel, symbol of an Ankh (life). This light sculpture was originally built for Burning Man in 2019 and then made its way to the Toronto Light Festival. This light art installation was designed and commissioned by Mathew Rosenblatt and fabricated by Liquid PXL.
Lumiverse Transporter is an immersive LED light and sound synced show consisting of sixteen 12ft tall light towers that will lead you on a 15 minute, hypnotic, audio-visual journey.